Thich Nhat Hanh Obituary
The time is now Thich Nhat Hanh believed that Buddhism should be a force for change The Vietnamese monk and “father of mindfulness” died on January 22nd, aged 95 Obituary Jan 29th 2022 edition Jan 29th 2022 Give this article I n the west’s imagination a Buddhist monk is a model of otherworldliness. He sits silently in his temple, or under a tree in a manicured garden, lost in the inner vastness of contemplation. A small bowl of water and a bowl of rice are all that sustain him. His day is marked out by gentle gongs and bells, and he causes no more disturbance to the earth than a falling leaf or passing clouds. Thich Nhat Hanh was a Buddhist monk, drawn to his calling in childhood by a picture of the smiling Buddha and a cold, astonishing draught of water from a natural well. He, too, often prayed. But there the similarity ended. As a novice he abandoned his Buddhist training college for Saigon University, where he could study world literature, philosophy and science. He was one of t