
Showing posts from June, 2024

Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt, 1933, năm bà chạy trốn nước Đức Nazi “JE N’APPARTIENS À AUCUN GROUPE” INÉDIT un dialogue avec Hannah Arendt En novembre 1972 fut organisé à Toronto, dans le cadre de la Society for the Study of Social and Politieal Thought, un colloque consacré à l'œuvre de Hannah Arendt, colloque auquel celle-ci participa. Melvyn Hill a publié l'ensemble des interventions dans un ouvrage paru sous le titre Hannah Arendt: The Recovery of the Public World (New York, St Martin's Press, 1979). On y trouve rassemblés un certain nombre d'échanges au cours desquels Arendt répondit sans détour aux questions qui lui étaient posées soit par des chercheurs, soit, comme ici, par ses amis les plus proches, Hans J. Morgenthau, l'un des plus grands théoriciens des relations internationales de la guerre froide, mort en 1980, ou l'amie de cœur, l'écrivain et critique dramatique Mary McCarthy, qui fut l'exécutrice littéraire d'Arendt, et mourut en 1989. Nous publions i...

RAYMOND ARON (1905-1983)

  RAYMOND ARON (1905-1983) He was a small man with big ears, blue eyes, and a melancholic gaze, always extremely courteous.   He had been born into a secular, assimilated, and quite well-off Jewish family. He spent his childhood in Versailles, in a house with a tennis court, and in his early years he was quite a successful tennis player until his intellectual calling took him away from sporting activities. But he remained a rugby enthusiast, though he only followed games on television. In the École Normale, where he studied in the 1920s,  he  obtained the best  marks in his year but he  was so discreet and cautious in class discussions that his friend and fellow student Jean-Paul  Sartre said to him  one  day :  “Mon petit camarade, pourquoi as-tu peur de déconner?" (My little friend why are you so afraid of putting your foot in it?). Sartre never knew this fear and throughout his life, he often put his foot in it, with all the for...


Marina Tsvetaeva   1 2. One great poet of her generation Tsvetaeva did meet; in 1916, she met young Osip Mandelstam. They had a brief affair during the Civil War. Mandelstam visited her so often-by train from St. Petersburg-that one friend joked, "I wonder if he is working for the railways." Years later, Nadezhda Mandelstam, the poet's widow, recalled: The friendship with Tsvetaeva, in my opinion, played an enormous role for Mandelstam 's work. It was a bridge on which he walked from one period of his work to another. With poems to Tsvetaeva begins his second book of poems,  Tristia.  Mandelstam's first book,  Stone , was the restrained, elegant work of a Petersburg poet. Tsvetaeva's friendship gave him her Moscow, lifting the spell of Petersburg's elegance. It was a magical gift, because with Petersburg alone, without Moscow, there is no freedom of full breath, no true feeling of Russia, no conscience. I am sure that my own relationship with Mandelstam wo...